Thursday, November 22, 2007

November 21, 2007

Recieved the left elevator skin this morning, I was able to match drill it to the stifners, deburr and dimple it. I then decided that I would cut the tabs off of the elevator skin and make a rib and not attempt the bend. I cut it a little large for future triming when the trim tab is completed and fitted. I primed the inside of the skin with the SW988 primer then after taking Bonnie and Kimberly out for some Mexican food, I was able to rivet the stiffners to the skin and then bend the skins. I then match drilled the skin to the elevator frame, deburred and dimpled the skin, touched up the primer, and started to rivet the skin to the frame. When I started working on the elevator it was 3:00pm and 82 degrees, when I finshed for the evening it was 12:00am and 47 degrees thanks to a cold front that came through.

Friday, November 16, 2007

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worked on the left elevator frame, primmed the spars and ribs. dimpled the spar to the lower rib and flushed riveted them together, riveted on the doublers and the nut plates to the main spar. Also riveted the end ribs and the counter weight skin together. The frame is ready for the skin, that is still on order.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

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Worked on the Electric trim tab servo mountings. deburred all parts, and primed them. I back riveted the mounts to the skin.

Worked on the left elevator frame, waiting on the new skin. I did not like having to cut back the damaged skin and then having to rebuild a new trim tab from scratch so I had ordered a new skin and trim tab. I did some work on the electric trim mounts, marked their positions and drilled the brackets into place.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

To see all of my pictures go to

I have not updated the blog but have been busy on the build so I will update the latest tonight.

After getting back from Lockhart on the 8th I bent the trailing edges of both the right elevator and rudder. Riveted both r716 to R704, this is a small piece of aluminum that is used later to attatch the fiberglass rudder cap to the rudder.

on 11/09/2007 made the final bends to the right elevator and rudder trailing edges then applied some black permetex RTV Ultra per plans (see photo). According to the plans the RTV is to help with vibration that has caused cracking in the skins. I then riveted both the rudder and right elevator closed per plans.

On 11/11/2007 I rolled and riveted the leading edges of the rudder and right elevators
in the last picture you can see that the HS, VS, and rudder fitted together. The right elevator can be seen on the work bench on the left of the picture. All that needs to be finished is the left elevator. I ordered the new skin Monday night.

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Friday, November 9, 2007


I took the Right Elevator down to Lockhart and showed my work to some of the local builders, the looked it over and agreed that it was ready to be closed up. I also showed them the left elevator and some options were discussed, one possible solution is to just cut the elevator skin back about 1/4 inch put in an end rib, then make a new trim tab making it 1/4 inch longer then the one supplied by Van's. This would eliminate the area that was cracked, but it would require that I become more of a builder than an assembler at this point. I will have time to consider this because it will take 8 weeks from the time I order the wings until they arrive.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The right elevator is ready to be closed up now, but I am going to wait until I can ha have some one else look it over. So I worked on the Rudder tonight. I primmed it with SW988, then back riveted on the stiffners and matched drilled it to the rudder frame. It was getting late so I was not able to finish with dimpling the frame.

worked 3 hours from 9:00pm until 12:00am

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I recieved the pop rivet dimpler from Avery's today and was able to finish the rudder and right elevator skins. I then primmed the inside of the right elevator skin with SW988. While it was drying I riveted the E703 to E704 end ribs. When the skin w dry I riveted the elevator stiffners to the skin using the back riveter. The skin was then matched drilled to the right elevator frame, then the frame and skin was dimpled. All that needs to be done is to finish with the counterbalance weight, attatch it to the frame then squeeze on the skin and I will have a right elevator. I worked 4 hours tonight. 8:30pm until 12:30am

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Posted some pictures, of the stiffners, and the left elevator skin. It is now in the scrap heap..

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Primmed both the rudder and elevator spars, ribs and doublers.
Then riveted the rudder doublers and the nutplates onto the rudder spar.

Then riveted the right elevator doublers, nutplates to the right elevator spar. also riveted the spar to the root rib and the elevator horn. the root rib was flushed riveted to the elevator spar so the elevator horn will sit flush. The right elevator frame is just waiting on the skin. I am still waiting on the pop rivet dimpler tool from Avery's so I can finish with the skin.

Monday, November 5, 2007


After Saturday nights work session I approached the project a little slowly tonight. Everything before the left elevator was easy and made me a little over confident. I believe it is because the skins used in the control surfaces are much thinner and easier to damage.

I started back to work on the rudder and right elevator stiffeners. I trimmed and de-burred them all. I then matched drilled them to the rudder and right elevator skins. I dimpled all the stiffeners and both skins. I left the holes closest to the leading edge of the rudder and right elevator skin's un-dimpled. I am waiting on another dimple tool that will get to these holes easier. I noticed when I dimpled these holes in the left elevator the c-frame put a small bend in the skin. The elevator and rudder skins are .020" while the HS and VS are .032" , a much thicker skin. The 0.20" skins are very easy to deform. I learned that on the left elevator, so I am taking my time with the rudder and the right elevator now.


BAD BAD BAD night in the factory..

I started working on the left elevator, it requires that you bend some small tabs to close off the skin near where the trim tab is. It was going just fine, when the skin cracked. I could fix it but it would look like hell. So I will have to order a new skin for the left elevator. I looked up the price and it is $79.00 plus shipping. I will order it when I order the wings so they can ship it with the wings. This caused me to quite working Saturday night.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Finished the HS by riveting in the rear spar, then started working on the rudder. clecoed the rudder skeleton together, matched drilled and deburred. I also found a good use for the HS, It has become my new antenna for the HDTV.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I was able to get home this evening by 6:00pm so spent a full night in the factory, I finished primming all the parts to the HS. Riveted the HS 707 nose rib to the left skin, then riveted the left side of the HS together per plans. The nose rib was the hardest part to due so far, but I was able to get the front rivets in without causing any skin damage. After finishing the left side the right side went together with ease. All that is needed to finish on the HS is the squeeze the rivets for the rear spar, and that should only take about an hour to finish on the next work session. NOTE: I was unable to get the most forward rivets on the tip rib HS-706 at this time. I will need to make a smaller bucking bar or get a no hole yoke. I did not want to force these with out the proper tool as they are easy to access later with the proper tool. Hope to update the pictures later.

It will be on to the elevator and rudder now.

Got home late from work so I was only able to due a couple hours in the RV factory, I cleaned and primed the HS skeleton, then ran out of primer. So I was unable to prime the rear spar. Clecoed the left skin to the skeleton to make sure I understand how to get to all the shop head of the skin rivets. Studied the directions to get ready to rivet the HS on my next work session.

10/28/2007 I was able to get a couple of hours in late Sunday evening and dimpled both skins

Sunday, October 28, 2007

10/27/2007 Saturday

Went to Lockhart and had lunch with the guys from the airport, watched them doing some panel work on an -8. Showed them my VS, and they approved of the work. Talk to them about the big bend ( the bending of the HS 810 and HS 814), Hank drew out the pattern and it was as I thought but want to be sure before I messed something up. I stopped by Home Depot and purchased some 2x4's to build a better bottom to my work table, and picked up a carpters square, to help with the bending of the HS 810 and HS 814. Got home and started work on the HS. The bend went easier than I thought and every thing came out good. I clecoed the front and rear spar's and then the frame next came the skins and match drilled the whole thing. Took it apart, deburred and dimpled everything except the skins, that will have to wait until another work day. the frame is ready for the 988 primer. The HS is just like two VS's. Just a little more to work with. I will post pictures later

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I did not update the blog for the 24, I dimpled the VS 801 skin, and I dimpled everything else, spar's and ribs for the VS.
Tonight, I riveted the VS 704, 704, 706, 707 to the 802. Then the VS801 was riveted to the frame. I have not riveted the rear spar on yet, as I want to keep the VS open for a second set of eyes to check the rivets, and make it easy to replace any if they need to be. I checked all of the with the rivet gauges I received from Averys and the all checke out ok, but I will have my IA take a look for a critical inspection.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

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I recieved my order of tools today, from Avery and the "Yard". With all the new tools I was able to finish match drilling the VS, flute the ribs, cleco the VS frame and match drill the skin. After match drilling came the deburring and then I dimpled the VS spar and ribs. I put off the skin until the next work session because it was getting late and using the C-Frame will cause a lot of noise. I also match drilled the HS rear spar, and riveted the VA146 bearings to the HS 411.

Monday, October 22, 2007