Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I was able to get home this evening by 6:00pm so spent a full night in the factory, I finished primming all the parts to the HS. Riveted the HS 707 nose rib to the left skin, then riveted the left side of the HS together per plans. The nose rib was the hardest part to due so far, but I was able to get the front rivets in without causing any skin damage. After finishing the left side the right side went together with ease. All that is needed to finish on the HS is the squeeze the rivets for the rear spar, and that should only take about an hour to finish on the next work session. NOTE: I was unable to get the most forward rivets on the tip rib HS-706 at this time. I will need to make a smaller bucking bar or get a no hole yoke. I did not want to force these with out the proper tool as they are easy to access later with the proper tool. Hope to update the pictures later.

It will be on to the elevator and rudder now.

Got home late from work so I was only able to due a couple hours in the RV factory, I cleaned and primed the HS skeleton, then ran out of primer. So I was unable to prime the rear spar. Clecoed the left skin to the skeleton to make sure I understand how to get to all the shop head of the skin rivets. Studied the directions to get ready to rivet the HS on my next work session.

10/28/2007 I was able to get a couple of hours in late Sunday evening and dimpled both skins

Sunday, October 28, 2007

10/27/2007 Saturday

Went to Lockhart and had lunch with the guys from the airport, watched them doing some panel work on an -8. Showed them my VS, and they approved of the work. Talk to them about the big bend ( the bending of the HS 810 and HS 814), Hank drew out the pattern and it was as I thought but want to be sure before I messed something up. I stopped by Home Depot and purchased some 2x4's to build a better bottom to my work table, and picked up a carpters square, to help with the bending of the HS 810 and HS 814. Got home and started work on the HS. The bend went easier than I thought and every thing came out good. I clecoed the front and rear spar's and then the frame next came the skins and match drilled the whole thing. Took it apart, deburred and dimpled everything except the skins, that will have to wait until another work day. the frame is ready for the 988 primer. The HS is just like two VS's. Just a little more to work with. I will post pictures later

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I did not update the blog for the 24, I dimpled the VS 801 skin, and I dimpled everything else, spar's and ribs for the VS.
Tonight, I riveted the VS 704, 704, 706, 707 to the 802. Then the VS801 was riveted to the frame. I have not riveted the rear spar on yet, as I want to keep the VS open for a second set of eyes to check the rivets, and make it easy to replace any if they need to be. I checked all of the with the rivet gauges I received from Averys and the all checke out ok, but I will have my IA take a look for a critical inspection.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

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I recieved my order of tools today, from Avery and the "Yard". With all the new tools I was able to finish match drilling the VS, flute the ribs, cleco the VS frame and match drill the skin. After match drilling came the deburring and then I dimpled the VS spar and ribs. I put off the skin until the next work session because it was getting late and using the C-Frame will cause a lot of noise. I also match drilled the HS rear spar, and riveted the VA146 bearings to the HS 411.

Monday, October 22, 2007

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Ok, I posted some pictures, it will only let me upload 4 at a time. Aztek is seen inspecting the packages when they arrived, He gave the all clear on these. Other pictures are of the shop, and the first completed part. Some of the rivets had to be drilled out and replaced but they came out a lot better.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


On Saturday I took the VS spar down to Lockhart and showed it to some RV builders. They pointed out a few rivets that were marginal, and showed me how to use a back rivet plate to form the shop heads. They explained how the number 4 rivets are difficult to form using a small hand squeezer, and it is best to back rivet to get better results. When I got home Saturday evening I drilled about 5 rivets and then used the back rivet plate, with much better results.

On Sunday I marked and cut out a few of the elevator stiffeners using the tin snips. I am not happy with the results using the snips. I am going try a cutoff wheel my air grinder. I am still waiting on an order for tools, so I am keeping myself busy doing some shop cleaning. Worked about 2 hours tonight. I have been taking a few pictures and will try to upload them soon.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Primed VS 808, VS803, VS 410, VS 411, and VS412 with Sherwin Williams self etching primer 988, then riveted all of them per plans, using a hand squeezer.

4 hours

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

work on empennage


Work began, edged finished all of the ribs for the empennage using burnising tool, belt grinder, emery cloth and scotch brite.

clecoed the vs frame together matched drilled and deburred all #30 holes.
marked holes to countersink and dimple on vs808 and vs803. Edged finished the frame of the VS.

total 5 hours.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It Has Started 10-15-2007

I recieved my empennage kit from Van's Aircraft Yesterday, it was inventoried and within 30 minutes I had already clecoed together a few parts. Will have to wait for more tools to arrive before I can continue.