Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I have not updated the blog but have been busy on the build so I will update the latest tonight.

After getting back from Lockhart on the 8th I bent the trailing edges of both the right elevator and rudder. Riveted both r716 to R704, this is a small piece of aluminum that is used later to attatch the fiberglass rudder cap to the rudder.

on 11/09/2007 made the final bends to the right elevator and rudder trailing edges then applied some black permetex RTV Ultra per plans (see photo). According to the plans the RTV is to help with vibration that has caused cracking in the skins. I then riveted both the rudder and right elevator closed per plans.

On 11/11/2007 I rolled and riveted the leading edges of the rudder and right elevators
in the last picture you can see that the HS, VS, and rudder fitted together. The right elevator can be seen on the work bench on the left of the picture. All that needs to be finished is the left elevator. I ordered the new skin Monday night.

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